James Surls: The Splendora Years






















  Blaffer Gallery - The Art Museum of the University of Houston
September 17 - November 12, 2005



Fake 1977



Pencil on paper          10 x 15 in          25.4 x 38.1 cm          Collection of the artist

Surls refers to his drawings as psychological blueprints to a particular state of mind: "Making drawings is like a performance that I do alone, me trying to picture something that doesn’t exist...I don’t have rules about keeping the pencil on the paper, but I don’t go back and erase. That’s because I don’t like the smudge marks. I don’t make mistakes that would require erasing. In life of course I make mistakes. But when I am drawing, I can’t say to myself ‘oh, I messed up.’ I just can’t do that. I have to step into a moment of total belief. What comes out comes out—that’s the way it was meant to be. You have to be in a state of singular belief. I can’t go in with doubts, or ‘oh I hope I can do this’."

 -Terrie Sultan, Director of Blaffer Gallery, the Art Museum of the University of Houston.
