James Surls: The Splendora Years



























  Blaffer Gallery - The Art Museum of the University of Houston
September 17 - November 12, 2005






Sweetgum, oak, pine          103 x 29 x 39.5 in          261.6 x 7 x 100.3 cm          Private Collection, Dallas

"The image of a powerful force erupting from the house reappears in Tornado. Here the house is a church—a house of worship. A cyclone of wood chips is attached to the church roof. Surls points out that this tornado is not a harbinger of destruction. Instead of setting down and destroying the building, it seems to erupt from inside the calmly self contained church. Hence it becomes a metaphor for an internal energy or spirit which emanates from this most powerful of psychological symbols."

-Eleanor Heartney, from Splendora: A Love Story in the publication "James Surls: The Splendora Years, 1977-1997."


